Welcome to the Upper Moreland Historical Commission Online
The Upper Moreland Historical Commission is charged with the responsibility to promote, protect and facilitate the preservation of buildings, structures, sites, objects, and districts of historic significance and value that exist in the Township.
Our meetings are open to the public every 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Upper Moreland Public Library.
About the Commission
Historic Preservation Ordinance No. 1451, enacted July of 2001, contains specifications for the creation of the Upper Moreland Historical Commission, consisting of up to fifteen members from the community with an interest in preserving the history and legacy of Upper Moreland.
Our Members
The UM Historical Commission includes 14 community members from diverse backgrounds.
Current Vacancies: Alternate Member!
Susan Worth-LaManna
Udo Maron
Arlene B. Rubin
Bonnie Lynn MacDonald
Natalie Baine-Schliskey
Jacqueline Cherepinksy
John Connell
Heather Flaherty
Michael Lovecchio
Alen Sentman
Steven Worthington
Gia Montemuro
News & Events
Membership vacancy: The Commission has a vacant spot for one member-at-large and two alternates. If you are interested, contact us today!
Historical Haunts at the Farmstead
SATURDAY, OCT. 28TH @ 5-7PM 2668 BYBERRY ROAD, HATBORO Please join the Upper Moreland Historical Commission in their 2nd Annual Historical Haunts at the Farmstead. Around a fire, we...Learn More
MONTCO ROOTS – Family and Property History Through Deeds
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Family Event, Fall 2023
We’re finalizing details for a fall event as a follow-up to last year’s highly successful “Historical Haunts at the Farmstead”
Historical Haunts at the Farmstead, 2023
The Upper Moreland Historical Commission is thrilled to invite you to the Historical Haunts at the Farmstead More Details to be Announced!
Submit A Piece of History
As our township continues to grow and thrive, so too does the depth of our knowledge of its history. If you would like to share a story or artifact relevant to Upper Moreland’s history, please send us a note!
Partner Links
Historic Inventory
The Historical Commission is charged with administering the Historic Preservation Ordinance No. 1451 and developing an inventory of qualifying properties.
In this pursuit, the commission has created a live, interactive map that details all the properties on the historic inventory.
Willow Grove Walking Tour
Methodist Church
34 Old York Rd Willow Grove, PA 19090